Proposed mandatory climate-related disclosures for listed companies

On 14 April 2023, the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the "Exchange") issued a consultation paper to seek public feedback on proposals (the "Proposals") to enhance climate-related disclosures under its environmental, social and governance framework. The Exchange will publish an implementation guidance setting out the principles and guidelines for the enhanced disclosure requirements together with the consultation conclusions.
The Proposals are formulated by reference to the draft International Sustainability Standards Boards' ("ISSB") climate-related disclosure standard ("ISSB Climate Standard"). In March 2022, the ISSB published the exposure draft of the ISSB Climate Standard which was built upon the principles of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures' recommendations. When the Proposals are passed, Hong Kong will be an early mover in adopting the ISSB Climate Standard. This is proposed to be introduced as a new Part D in Appendix 27 to the Main Board Listing Rules or Appendix 20 to the GEM Listing Rules with consequential amendments to be made to Appendix 27.
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